Indeximate are Cyber Essentials Certified
Cyber Security is critical to our business, to our customers and to our stakeholders. We plan to increase our level of certification as we progress
Cyber Security is critical to our business, to our customers and to our stakeholders. We plan to increase our level of certification as we progress
Indeximate are pleased to report that one of their earliest works, a patent for establishing the health of subsea power cables has been granted in the UK in the closing days of 2024.
DAS is a unique tool to understand the health of cables – it’s not just about acoustics though, or patented method for understanding the electro-mechanical health of cables allows us to probe much deeper into core health.
Set of analyses on other measurements from acoustic records – Marine Accidents, Cable Repairs, Wave Height etc.
Techniques and tips for understanding your DAS sensing record from subsea power cables, exploring tidal behaviour, wind turbine vibration monitoring and more
When static power cables go dynamic they become subject to fatigue – but this can be counted, binned and monitored to understand how much power cable life remains.
Cable Health Monitoring is the key goal – but can we do more with the data once we’ve captured it? In this blog article we expain all.
A key choice for wind farm developers in implementing sensing is whether there is a difference between different grades of acoustic sensing – here we demystify and make the choices clear
Indeximate commence permanent condition monitoring at SAE Renewables MeyGen tidal-stream generation plant. Using data from their ASN OptoDAS, Indeximate are streaming all the output to their cloud Scattersphere where data is automatically assessed for risks
Our raison d’etre is preventing the crippling losses associated with cable failure – but there are other reasons to explore – here we tackle topics such as asset value, operations and evionmental monitoring.