Our output

We monitor your cable and profile it for weakness, our patent-pending mechanical weakness metric produces a metre by metre measure of armour degradation & FO tube degradation, informing you on weak conditions.

But that’s not all or enough – we also profile the cable and the environment for abrasion, fatigue, vibration and exposure allowing you to pull together a complete story.

We deliver this in the Scattersphere which partners your existing fibre optic sensing hardware with our unique compression approach (Indeximation) to push the data to our cloud portal for total risk intelligence. We are hardware agnostic, we work with all suppliers, we don’t get involved in supply chain purchasing.

If you are yet to commit to buying permanent monitoring equipment we also offer turnkey health check reports where we manage all steps in the process form the short to medium term rental of interrogator equipment to setting up our systems and reporting on the health of your assets – both as a technical report and as a certificate of health for your insurers.